I bet everyone will be asking me why did i cried yesterday after skul right?
I've been really depress since friday afternoon..
My parents scolded me.. that makes me moody enough to ask everyone GET LOST before i get mad
after that, i got my report card with all B,C,B,C,B,C
No A for any subject!
Imagine that!
I bet my parents will be cursing me now and wondering why i wasnt studying when the test came
Its not that i wasnt studying, i studied...
But they dint see it
I bet that when they know my results
They will most probably say
' study dont wanna study! always hang out hang out! THIS IS YOUR LAST OUTING, I WARN YOU! If you ever let me find out you go out from the skul, YOU GONNA BE A DEAD MEAT! ( that was when im going marching and everyday after marching, i will go to atria or maybe 7E for lunch with rynne they all ).. '
wad a suprise that when my mum know my position in class, she dint even say a word
She just said
' ann ar! study hard next time! You cant just go on like that.... you have to go oversea and study and work there... dont ever come back... if u dont study hard, you will be a sales girl foreva.. lifeless... '
I understand how my parents feel now...
Sometimes, i know wad's on my mum's mind
She will be saying
' how i wish i could run away from house and never come back to face these sadness! '
I just wanna tell her
' Mum! Im sorry! Please accept my apologize! Im truly sorry! I will try my hardest next time... You're the greatest mum i ever had! '
But somehow, i just cant say it out loud cause i dont have the guts.....
Another reasons that i've cried yesterday is because.....
dont know why, somehow... I felt depressed nowadays!
Wad have been on my mind?
Wad's going on with me?
Am i insane?
I just felt very depress so i just cry it out loud...
My classmates are all worries abt me
All thanks to natalie, shanice, liang jun, john, joshua, jeremy, yuzeem, han jiang.....
hoe ming, thanks for your tissue =)
Although they dint really comfort me but they DID asked me why i cried..
It means they care abt me =D
Guys, im okie now..... =P

All my heart is in your hands, so be a tender guide
Be true to me and always care, and my feelings I'll never hide
My love for you is so true and 100 percent
The times I'm with or just think of you are times that are very well spent
So in the future, if we should part,
there's something I want you to know
You'll always have a place in my heart, and memories I'll never let go

On March 11th, I Give You My Heart, But The Very Next Day, You Give It Away.. On March 27th, To Save Me From Tears, I Give It To Someone Really Special To Me..

Am I Waiting For You To Come After Me?

There Are Memories That Cant Be Washed Away
I wish everyone could stay happy include those SPAMMERS
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