Hey, i know you guys misunderstand me cause you guys dont really know me well
Im sorry..
I mean i admit i did wrong..
I know im too much ^.^
But then i still wanna be friends with EVERYONE
I rather knwoing more friends than arguing with my enemy =P
So, great!
My skul life wasnt really that bad XD
I just coupled with someone..
and he really treat me very very good =D
He's really hot =P
I hope our relationship could last long..
Thats wad i wish for XD
At first, i dont really believe him that he's serious
But now, i believe him cause i should believe the one i love
Even if its a lie, i still willing to kena fool by that lies cause it worth it ^.^
So, i think i choose the right person XD
Well then
I have class tomoro so goodbye guys ^.^
Love ya! =P
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Who I Belongs To?
Well, some bastards/bitches came to my cbox and scolded me again XD
he/she thinks i will care about it
Actually, I dont give a damn about it ^.^
They're like sucker to me
Some useless slut * tsk tsk tsk *
At first, i really wanna scold them
But at the end, i think its just wasting my time..
They wanna insult my blog then insult lo.
After all, its just a blog right?
Scold me fucker, bitch or wadeva craps then scold lo
As long I dont think I am, then its fine ^.^
Like i care the slut said?
Wad such a fucker la you O.o
You think i will be damn piss meh?
No wor...
I no feelnigs at all =D
All i wanna say to you is
' Get a life la pimp! You dont even have the right to scold me im fucker or wadeva craps because Im not... And you are because you scolded me as if you're jealous at me ^.^ Between, you're ugly enough to cover your face with those plastic bag.. Not all those transparent k? Cause whenever ppl see you with your transparent plastic, they will started to vomit and collapse =D You think you scolded all those fuck words very dai sai, very yeng, very geng ar?... Actually, you're just a useless ppl that i ever met.. Whoever fall for you was totally BLIND! Why dont you dare to put your real name out? Are you afraid of something? Or are you afraid that people might think you're INSANE? Haha! Please la! I dont scold ppl whenever i like.. Unlike SOMEONE ELSE, you should know who im talking about ^.^ ' ( i know this is lame enough =P )
Type all those thing out just to tell you that dont waste your time on this..
I wanna change my cbox...
Its my business
Dont be so busybody k?
Dont be like all the old lady or ah sam ar..
Gossip here, gossip there or busy body mah... =D
Well, if you have time, click on my ( i serve nuffnang ) advertisement k?
It will be mroe meaningful XD
Between, guys...
Thanks for voting me ' A BITCH ' and thanks for voting me a cute girl ^.^
Dont worry, i wont be so perasan think im really cute =D
Its just a poll, who cares? O.o
he/she thinks i will care about it
Actually, I dont give a damn about it ^.^
They're like sucker to me
Some useless slut * tsk tsk tsk *
At first, i really wanna scold them
But at the end, i think its just wasting my time..
They wanna insult my blog then insult lo.
After all, its just a blog right?
Scold me fucker, bitch or wadeva craps then scold lo
As long I dont think I am, then its fine ^.^
Like i care the slut said?
Wad such a fucker la you O.o
You think i will be damn piss meh?
No wor...
I no feelnigs at all =D
All i wanna say to you is
' Get a life la pimp! You dont even have the right to scold me im fucker or wadeva craps because Im not... And you are because you scolded me as if you're jealous at me ^.^ Between, you're ugly enough to cover your face with those plastic bag.. Not all those transparent k? Cause whenever ppl see you with your transparent plastic, they will started to vomit and collapse =D You think you scolded all those fuck words very dai sai, very yeng, very geng ar?... Actually, you're just a useless ppl that i ever met.. Whoever fall for you was totally BLIND! Why dont you dare to put your real name out? Are you afraid of something? Or are you afraid that people might think you're INSANE? Haha! Please la! I dont scold ppl whenever i like.. Unlike SOMEONE ELSE, you should know who im talking about ^.^ ' ( i know this is lame enough =P )
Type all those thing out just to tell you that dont waste your time on this..
I wanna change my cbox...
Its my business
Dont be so busybody k?
Dont be like all the old lady or ah sam ar..
Gossip here, gossip there or busy body mah... =D
Well, if you have time, click on my ( i serve nuffnang ) advertisement k?
It will be mroe meaningful XD
Between, guys...
Thanks for voting me ' A BITCH ' and thanks for voting me a cute girl ^.^
Dont worry, i wont be so perasan think im really cute =D
Its just a poll, who cares? O.o
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My Love
Yesterday morning, i went to have a breakfast
I met Yong there, i think he saw me
I hide behind my mum XD
After that, Cecilia sms-ed me
She said she's coming to my house at 9 something
So, her dad fetched her to my house and we started to take out our laptop and do our project
But before that, i went to have a bathe
My mum & my aunt went to ou for a shopping and leave us alone in a house XD
Its was great! Cause i can shout and scream like hell =P
But at the end, Cecilia online the whole day
She lazy to choi me, i guess T.T
I have all those pictures, but im too lazy to post it here and......
and its in my laptop, not desktop...
I will post it if i have time XD
currently, always busy doing my sejarah project =(
Its suck like shit
Waste my 2 days time to finished it
But only the HASIL KAJIAN!
Not the whole sejarah T.T
Well, goodbye then ^.^
I met Yong there, i think he saw me
I hide behind my mum XD
After that, Cecilia sms-ed me
She said she's coming to my house at 9 something
So, her dad fetched her to my house and we started to take out our laptop and do our project
But before that, i went to have a bathe
My mum & my aunt went to ou for a shopping and leave us alone in a house XD
Its was great! Cause i can shout and scream like hell =P
But at the end, Cecilia online the whole day
She lazy to choi me, i guess T.T
I have all those pictures, but im too lazy to post it here and......
and its in my laptop, not desktop...
I will post it if i have time XD
currently, always busy doing my sejarah project =(
Its suck like shit
Waste my 2 days time to finished it
But only the HASIL KAJIAN!
Not the whole sejarah T.T
Well, goodbye then ^.^
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Forgive & Forget
Well, this is about another story
Someone been mad at me since Last Thursday
I dont know how she felt now
Everytime i asked her questions in sms or msn, she will be like whatever la
She makes me hate ( whatever ) this words T.T
To this friend i precious the most, this is wad i wanna tell you -
To say im sorry is not enough for the things i have done
To say im sorry doesn't make all the mistakes i did from past go away.
To say im sorry just means i realized even if its to late.
To say im sorry is admitting that were not perfect.
For we learn the most important things in life after we say im sorry.
I thought we had a good thing this special friendship between you & I
why did you leave me alone
and why did you make me cry?
I called you at your home
hoping to work things out
wishing for you to explain
what this was all about.
But you wouldn't talk to me
your voice was laced with doubt you...
my new found friend just up and shut me out.
What did I do what was it I said this special bond between us
is it ...already dead? I really like you
I think you're an awesome friend to
but the strain on our friendship will remain till you tell me why....
Why you're mad at me
why did you throw me aside
do you know when you wouldn't talk with me tonight
a part of my heart died.
I treasured your friendship
I thought you did mine too
but when you turned me away..
you broke my heart into.
i have a lot of friends
but i don't know which one i can trust
all of them help me change my life
and what am i believing for
So if you still wanna be friends
just let me know coz if you don't
I'll just pick up my shattered heart..and go.
I dint expect anything to you
And wad i said just now
I really dint expect you to forgive me or wadeva
I just wish you could be back NORMAL friends with me
I dont expect we will be like wad we used to anymore cause i know its ridiculous
You will never believe me and you know that im not trustworthy anymore
But beside flirt, did i ever do anything to make you mad?
I dint betray you, i dint backstab you..
I dint treat you like how i treated cecilia
I mean of course cecilia is my best friend but i will be really rude to her sometimes
I just want a smile from you
I just hope you smile to me and say hi to me and make friends with me
I swear to God, i dont expect that we will be like wad we used to
I really DID appreciate you as a friend of mine
I DID appreciate our friendship but because of the word, FLIRT ruined my friendship between you and me
Do you think its worth it or you dont claim me as your good friends from the day we met?
I know i dont have the right to ask you this question since im the one who done wrong but i just wanna know wad's your answer
Do you think its worth it?
You might said you're not angry at me but you dint smile to me after that
And you dont know how much it upset me cause you're really an important friend to me like how i precious siwei, cecilia and rynne
Cause i want you to be always happy even if im not with you or im not your friend anymore
No matter wad happened, I will always be by your side even if you hate me ^.^
You dont know how much i appreciate all my friendship with my friends
Thats wad i wanna say, i hope you dont mind me saying these
Someone been mad at me since Last Thursday
I dont know how she felt now
Everytime i asked her questions in sms or msn, she will be like whatever la
She makes me hate ( whatever ) this words T.T
To this friend i precious the most, this is wad i wanna tell you -
To say im sorry is not enough for the things i have done
To say im sorry doesn't make all the mistakes i did from past go away.
To say im sorry just means i realized even if its to late.
To say im sorry is admitting that were not perfect.
For we learn the most important things in life after we say im sorry.
I thought we had a good thing this special friendship between you & I
why did you leave me alone
and why did you make me cry?
I called you at your home
hoping to work things out
wishing for you to explain
what this was all about.
But you wouldn't talk to me
your voice was laced with doubt you...
my new found friend just up and shut me out.
What did I do what was it I said this special bond between us
is it ...already dead? I really like you
I think you're an awesome friend to
but the strain on our friendship will remain till you tell me why....
Why you're mad at me
why did you throw me aside
do you know when you wouldn't talk with me tonight
a part of my heart died.
I treasured your friendship
I thought you did mine too
but when you turned me away..
you broke my heart into.
i have a lot of friends
but i don't know which one i can trust
all of them help me change my life
and what am i believing for
So if you still wanna be friends
just let me know coz if you don't
I'll just pick up my shattered heart..and go.
I dint expect anything to you
And wad i said just now
I really dint expect you to forgive me or wadeva
I just wish you could be back NORMAL friends with me
I dont expect we will be like wad we used to anymore cause i know its ridiculous
You will never believe me and you know that im not trustworthy anymore
But beside flirt, did i ever do anything to make you mad?
I dint betray you, i dint backstab you..
I dint treat you like how i treated cecilia
I mean of course cecilia is my best friend but i will be really rude to her sometimes
I just want a smile from you
I just hope you smile to me and say hi to me and make friends with me
I swear to God, i dont expect that we will be like wad we used to
I really DID appreciate you as a friend of mine
I DID appreciate our friendship but because of the word, FLIRT ruined my friendship between you and me
Do you think its worth it or you dont claim me as your good friends from the day we met?
I know i dont have the right to ask you this question since im the one who done wrong but i just wanna know wad's your answer
Do you think its worth it?
You might said you're not angry at me but you dint smile to me after that
And you dont know how much it upset me cause you're really an important friend to me like how i precious siwei, cecilia and rynne
Cause i want you to be always happy even if im not with you or im not your friend anymore
No matter wad happened, I will always be by your side even if you hate me ^.^
You dont know how much i appreciate all my friendship with my friends
Thats wad i wanna say, i hope you dont mind me saying these
Beautiful Day
Cecilia and Siwei came to my house for Sejarah Project
Too bad, Rynne cant make it because she was at Genting =)
I hoep she have fun there XD
This is the conversation Siwei and Cecilia had before coming to my house and do project
Cecilia : Eh, go to suann's house do project ar! Dont play around ar!
Siwei : Okie, okie.... ( i think she said that, i dont really know the situation XD )
Before fetching them to my house, my mum planning to go to temple so we went to temple for praying
I prayed for my studies, famile & friends's healthy
I dont wanna be so greedy =D
So i went to cecilia's house and fetch the 2 girls
When they reached my house, they started to do their works
Cecilia brought her own laptop, Siwei used my sister's laptop and i used my desktop to find some documents about permainan tradisional..
I know its bored and hey!
I havent done yet..
There still some interesting part ^.^
Guess wad, Cecilia was the one who said dont play around right?
But in the end, she's the one who played around
She refuse to do her project
She online here and there ( bad girl XD )
Then Siwei started to tease her
Siwei : Dont know who is the one who asked us to stop playing around de wor!!!!! ( looking at Cecilia )
Cecilia : * speechless * ( looking away )
Around 5.30 pm, my mum fetched us to Damansara Village ( Cecilia's restaurant ) for dinner.
Its really a comfortable and nice enviroment
It look more like a village =P
While me and siwei was eating, cecilia started to joke around
Guess wad she said?
Justin told her something funny about Cik Norhaliza ( i think i spelled her name correctly? )
That was when Justin wanna go home, Cik Norhaliza stopped him but he run away
After that, Cik Norhaliza fell down and rolling on the floor cause she's too fat =P
She's our disiplin teacher and i bet many students hate her XD
That time, i was full enough to vomit on the floor yet Cecilia still said all those jokes
Make my heart beating till damn fast and pain! T.T
After dinner, CAMWHORES TIME! XD
These are some of pictures we took at Damansara Village

Me & Shelicia

Me, Shelicia & Cecilia

Me, Shelicia & Cecilia

I Heart Shelicia ^.^

Me & Shelicia
After that, Siwei's father came to fetch us to cecilia's house so that my mum could go to cecilia's house and picked me up ^.^
At Cecilia's house, we camwhore again but this time
Without Shelicia T.T

Im not les, dont worry =D

I DID NOT act the innocent ( we're just playing around XD )

Me and cecilia look childish in this pic ^.^

Well, she's kind of hyper, i guess?

Cecilia, smile more ya?
Shelicia YOU TOO! XD
Same goes to Rynne
I've been missing her since the day she went to Genting =(
Cecilia and Siwei came to my house for Sejarah Project
Too bad, Rynne cant make it because she was at Genting =)
I hoep she have fun there XD
This is the conversation Siwei and Cecilia had before coming to my house and do project
Cecilia : Eh, go to suann's house do project ar! Dont play around ar!
Siwei : Okie, okie.... ( i think she said that, i dont really know the situation XD )
Before fetching them to my house, my mum planning to go to temple so we went to temple for praying
I prayed for my studies, famile & friends's healthy
I dont wanna be so greedy =D
So i went to cecilia's house and fetch the 2 girls
When they reached my house, they started to do their works
Cecilia brought her own laptop, Siwei used my sister's laptop and i used my desktop to find some documents about permainan tradisional..
I know its bored and hey!
I havent done yet..
There still some interesting part ^.^
Guess wad, Cecilia was the one who said dont play around right?
But in the end, she's the one who played around
She refuse to do her project
She online here and there ( bad girl XD )
Then Siwei started to tease her
Siwei : Dont know who is the one who asked us to stop playing around de wor!!!!! ( looking at Cecilia )
Cecilia : * speechless * ( looking away )
Around 5.30 pm, my mum fetched us to Damansara Village ( Cecilia's restaurant ) for dinner.
Its really a comfortable and nice enviroment
It look more like a village =P
While me and siwei was eating, cecilia started to joke around
Guess wad she said?
Justin told her something funny about Cik Norhaliza ( i think i spelled her name correctly? )
That was when Justin wanna go home, Cik Norhaliza stopped him but he run away
After that, Cik Norhaliza fell down and rolling on the floor cause she's too fat =P
She's our disiplin teacher and i bet many students hate her XD
That time, i was full enough to vomit on the floor yet Cecilia still said all those jokes
Make my heart beating till damn fast and pain! T.T
After dinner, CAMWHORES TIME! XD
These are some of pictures we took at Damansara Village

Me & Shelicia

Me, Shelicia & Cecilia

Me, Shelicia & Cecilia

I Heart Shelicia ^.^

Me & Shelicia
After that, Siwei's father came to fetch us to cecilia's house so that my mum could go to cecilia's house and picked me up ^.^
At Cecilia's house, we camwhore again but this time
Without Shelicia T.T

Im not les, dont worry =D

I DID NOT act the innocent ( we're just playing around XD )

Me and cecilia look childish in this pic ^.^

Well, she's kind of hyper, i guess?

Cecilia, smile more ya?
Shelicia YOU TOO! XD
Same goes to Rynne
I've been missing her since the day she went to Genting =(
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Loving You
Hey, i just found something NEW!
Actually, its not really new anymore cause i've found it few months ago XD
Wait, MY SISTER found it.. Not me =P
Its a website full of SWEETTALKS! http://www.lovingyou.com/
Our conversation started
Suyin : Eh! See this! Thousands of sweettalks man!
Suann : Really??? Wow! Cool!! Im gonna send it to cecilia! XD
At the same time, im wondering what if
Suyin : Eh! See this! Thousands of sweettalks man! Im so gonna send it to my boyfriend! =D
Suann : Really??? Wow! Cool!! Im gonna send it to cecilia! XD
Suyin : You send to cecilia for wad? Very fun meh? Send to girl... Send to boy better la! Wait.... OMFG! DONT TELL ME YOU'RE LESBIAN?!?!!?!
Suann : haha!!! No la... kidding ni mah ^.^
Suyin : Very funny meh??? I dont think so lo! I cant believe i have a lesbian sister! * horror face *
psps - This is the conversation i've imagined.. Its not true at all XD
And this is how we started to argue with each other
At this time, my mum appear and scolded us
Mum : Can you 2 please shaddap for now?!?!? Everyday eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep! After eat... argue argue argue! Everyday argue argue argue! Please la... If you 2 so free, help me do some of my houseworks la!
Then my mum started to nag here nag there
We just stun there for awhile..
After that?
Continue with our arguement =P
My mum cant help but to see us argue over and over again XD
Okie okie...
I will stop with all the arguements or wadeva craps XD
This is one of the sweettalk i've found and i really like it ^.^
You brighten my life, you lighten my soul;
It is you, only you that I want to hold
To walk with you through our lifetime together
It won’t really matter what kind of weather
We chose one another before our first greeting
We spent a year before our first meeting
We held hands across the world though we never met
We took the time to feel our way through the internet
And now it is nearing the time that we will see
What our hearts have been telling us about each
There’ll be no barriers between us then
With our first kiss, we shall begin.
Love is what everyone searches for
We searched up close and out very far
That one special one that makes our heart sing
That special love that only they can bring
To chase away the shadows of sadness
To bring on showers of gladness.
The sharing of each precious thought
The special love our words have brought.
Into our lives we shall begin
To fall in love all over again.
Isnt it Sweet? XD
I have a words ^.^
( Inside Bitterness There Is Sweetness. Inside Sweetness There Is Love ) =D
Actually, its not really new anymore cause i've found it few months ago XD
Wait, MY SISTER found it.. Not me =P
Its a website full of SWEETTALKS! http://www.lovingyou.com/
Our conversation started
Suyin : Eh! See this! Thousands of sweettalks man!
Suann : Really??? Wow! Cool!! Im gonna send it to cecilia! XD
At the same time, im wondering what if
Suyin : Eh! See this! Thousands of sweettalks man! Im so gonna send it to my boyfriend! =D
Suann : Really??? Wow! Cool!! Im gonna send it to cecilia! XD
Suyin : You send to cecilia for wad? Very fun meh? Send to girl... Send to boy better la! Wait.... OMFG! DONT TELL ME YOU'RE LESBIAN?!?!!?!
Suann : haha!!! No la... kidding ni mah ^.^
Suyin : Very funny meh??? I dont think so lo! I cant believe i have a lesbian sister! * horror face *
psps - This is the conversation i've imagined.. Its not true at all XD
And this is how we started to argue with each other
At this time, my mum appear and scolded us
Mum : Can you 2 please shaddap for now?!?!? Everyday eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep! After eat... argue argue argue! Everyday argue argue argue! Please la... If you 2 so free, help me do some of my houseworks la!
Then my mum started to nag here nag there
We just stun there for awhile..
After that?
Continue with our arguement =P
My mum cant help but to see us argue over and over again XD
Okie okie...
I will stop with all the arguements or wadeva craps XD
This is one of the sweettalk i've found and i really like it ^.^
You brighten my life, you lighten my soul;
It is you, only you that I want to hold
To walk with you through our lifetime together
It won’t really matter what kind of weather
We chose one another before our first greeting
We spent a year before our first meeting
We held hands across the world though we never met
We took the time to feel our way through the internet
And now it is nearing the time that we will see
What our hearts have been telling us about each
There’ll be no barriers between us then
With our first kiss, we shall begin.
Love is what everyone searches for
We searched up close and out very far
That one special one that makes our heart sing
That special love that only they can bring
To chase away the shadows of sadness
To bring on showers of gladness.
The sharing of each precious thought
The special love our words have brought.
Into our lives we shall begin
To fall in love all over again.
Isnt it Sweet? XD
I have a words ^.^
( Inside Bitterness There Is Sweetness. Inside Sweetness There Is Love ) =D
Monday, March 16, 2009
Love Berrish
There's a comic i read on http://www.onemanga.com/
Its damn romantic, SUPER ROMANTIC
I mean its all about love
Who doesnt think its romantic right?
This is some of the picture -

Woo? O.o
Its too sweet
( Love Is Best When Sweet But Love Is Sucks When Bitter )
Like Those chocolate ^.^
Its Best When Sweet But Its Sucks When Bitter Isnt It? O.o
I know im totally right
Of course SWEET LOVE is better than BITTER LOVE ^.^
Who dont want sweet love right?
Hmmm...... I wish everyone could stay cool, healthy, wealthy, pretty, cute, handsome, hot, happy
Have A Nice Happy Day! =D
Its damn romantic, SUPER ROMANTIC
I mean its all about love
Who doesnt think its romantic right?
This is some of the picture -

Woo? O.o
Its too sweet
( Love Is Best When Sweet But Love Is Sucks When Bitter )
Like Those chocolate ^.^
Its Best When Sweet But Its Sucks When Bitter Isnt It? O.o
I know im totally right
Of course SWEET LOVE is better than BITTER LOVE ^.^
Who dont want sweet love right?
Hmmm...... I wish everyone could stay cool, healthy, wealthy, pretty, cute, handsome, hot, happy
Have A Nice Happy Day! =D
It felt so strange
Why nowadays ppl keep on scolding me Bitch, Fucker, Fucking Bitch, Mother Fucker? O.o
Did i do anything wrong?
As long im happy, i dont care
Why do i have to care so much?
I know it wont be natalie and i never think of suspecting her ( i wont suspect her because she's my good friend and she wont do that even if she mad at me )
I really cant figure out who is it
I dont wanna scold any of bad words to him/her cause its so impolite and only uneducated ppl will do that
I realized that i've scolded many bad words in my previous posted was just wasting my time ^.^
Im not piss, not mad, not angry, not dulan ppl called me bitch or wadeva craps cause its wasting my energy to mad at them and scold all those bad words to them isnt it?
Whoever are smart will think that way too ^.^
Maybe im just a bitch to them but who cares?
They're just wasting their time scolding and bla bla bla like a chicken back side talking?
Wait... chicken backside doesnt know how to talk!
Let me tell you something
If you beh song me or dulan me
You could just face to face and have a talk with me k?
Dont be like a chicken, scolded ppl and doesnt wanna put their real name on the display name
Use other ppl name example, JITTY
such a copy cats...
I hate copy cats the most especially YOU ( the one who scolding me in my cbox earlier )
Wanna scold right?
Scold in front of me dude
I dont even wanna waste my time for this
Its just useless
after all, it doesnt give me anything but a piece of shit
If you really wanna scold, continue scold in my cbox
I dont care wad ppl think abt me
I just care wad cecilia, siwei, rynne, john, jake, jit haw, natalie, liang jun, yong, yuzeem and tony think abt me
These are all my truly best friends
OTHERS? like i care? O.o
So, i should stop till here
Last, wanna scold... scold in my cbox bah..
Its just wasting your time
Why dont you put all your effort in surfing for the internet and do something more meaningful instead of THESE? O.o
I know im dumb but so wad?
At least i've tried my best to study werd
I DID tried my best to study but its just last minute
Dont think you're too smart
You're just a chicken, uneducated, rude, shameless
Mind me be impolite abit please
KURANG AJAR ^.^ ( you should know wad its mean right? )
This is wad i think of you =)
psps - John dint reject me and i dont like Yong anymore so yea..... haha... just go on... anything you wanna scold? go on ^.^ No one can stop you.. I know you're just jealous =)
Why nowadays ppl keep on scolding me Bitch, Fucker, Fucking Bitch, Mother Fucker? O.o
Did i do anything wrong?
As long im happy, i dont care
Why do i have to care so much?
I know it wont be natalie and i never think of suspecting her ( i wont suspect her because she's my good friend and she wont do that even if she mad at me )
I really cant figure out who is it
I dont wanna scold any of bad words to him/her cause its so impolite and only uneducated ppl will do that
I realized that i've scolded many bad words in my previous posted was just wasting my time ^.^
Im not piss, not mad, not angry, not dulan ppl called me bitch or wadeva craps cause its wasting my energy to mad at them and scold all those bad words to them isnt it?
Whoever are smart will think that way too ^.^
Maybe im just a bitch to them but who cares?
They're just wasting their time scolding and bla bla bla like a chicken back side talking?
Wait... chicken backside doesnt know how to talk!
Let me tell you something
If you beh song me or dulan me
You could just face to face and have a talk with me k?
Dont be like a chicken, scolded ppl and doesnt wanna put their real name on the display name
Use other ppl name example, JITTY
such a copy cats...
I hate copy cats the most especially YOU ( the one who scolding me in my cbox earlier )
Wanna scold right?
Scold in front of me dude
I dont even wanna waste my time for this
Its just useless
after all, it doesnt give me anything but a piece of shit
If you really wanna scold, continue scold in my cbox
I dont care wad ppl think abt me
I just care wad cecilia, siwei, rynne, john, jake, jit haw, natalie, liang jun, yong, yuzeem and tony think abt me
These are all my truly best friends
OTHERS? like i care? O.o
So, i should stop till here
Last, wanna scold... scold in my cbox bah..
Its just wasting your time
Why dont you put all your effort in surfing for the internet and do something more meaningful instead of THESE? O.o
I know im dumb but so wad?
At least i've tried my best to study werd
I DID tried my best to study but its just last minute
Dont think you're too smart
You're just a chicken, uneducated, rude, shameless
Mind me be impolite abit please
KURANG AJAR ^.^ ( you should know wad its mean right? )
This is wad i think of you =)
psps - John dint reject me and i dont like Yong anymore so yea..... haha... just go on... anything you wanna scold? go on ^.^ No one can stop you.. I know you're just jealous =)
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